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ECO+ Government Scheme


Reading time: 3 minutes


On Monday 28 November 2022, Business and Energy Secretary Grant Shapps announced the launch of a new £1bn ECO+ scheme, which will offer financial support for domestic energy-efficiency measures in homes across Great Britain.

This is in addition to the existing ECO scheme, currently in its fourth phase (ECO4), which targets support for insulation measures at low-income households.


What is the new ECO+ scheme?

The new ECO+ scheme’s aim is to help around 410,000 homes in Great Britain with funding for the installation of low-cost energy efficient measures, such as loft and cavity wall insulation, to help reduce annual energy bills - reported to be around an average saving of £310 per home. 

The aim is to reach a wider group of households who are not currently eligible for other schemes, and help them to insulate their homes and help tackle fuel poverty and ever increasing energy bills


Who will be eligible for the ECO+ scheme?

Homes identified as the least energy efficient and fall into the lower-rated council tax bands will be eligible, as well as low-income and vulnerable households. 

It is proposed that eligible households will be split into two groups: 


  • Group 1 - low income and vulnerable households

  • Group 2 - council tax bands A-D in England, A-E in Scotland and A-C in Wales with an EPC of D or below


Eligibility can be checked once consultation has finished, which is due on the 23 December 2022, and details of the ECO+ scheme have been finalised after this time. 


When will the scheme run?

This scheme is due to run over a three-year period, starting from 1 April 2023 up until 31 March 2026.

Like the current ECO scheme, ECO+ will be implemented by placing a legal obligation on large energy suppliers to meet these additional energy efficiency improvements targets. Energy suppliers will be responsible for completing surveys on domestic properties and paying for the energy efficiency improvements.

When the consultation period has ended and the details of the scheme have been finalised, we will post further updates to cover what measures are included in the ECO+ scheme and how you can check eligibility.


Disclaimer: The information contained on this page is intended as an overall introduction and is not intended as specific advice from a qualified professional. Travis Perkins aims to avoid, but accepts no liability, in the case that any information stated is out of date.