This Plain Red Stock Brick Is Exclusive To Travis Perkins, Made At The New Leicester Eclipse Factory. A Red Multi Stock Facing Brick; Fully Durable With Low Soluble Salts. This Is A Moderate Strength Facing Brick With High Water Absorption, Ideal For Most Masonry Applications And Easy To Lay.
A Yellow Multi Stock Facing Brick, Fully Durable With Low Soluble Salts. This Is A Moderate Strength Facing Brick With High Water Absorption, Ideal For Most Masonry Applications And Easy To Lay.
Yellow Multi Stock is a characterful yellow handmade brick featuring red and pink tones, and often known as a ‘London Multi Stock’. This type of brick was historically a signature building material throughout London and the South East of England.
A high quality yellow handmade Facing Brick with a reclamation finish, to give the reclaimed brick effect. In a traditional imperial size, these bricks undergo an extensive ageing process to give an identical appearance to genuine reclaimed bricks handmade yellow stock Facing Brick, but offer a high quality, fully frost resistant alternative. Ideal for matching existing Facing Brickwork for renovation or extension, as well as new build.
This Plain Red Stock Brick Is Exclusive To Travis Perkins, Made At The New Leicester Eclipse Factory. A Red Multi Stock Facing Brick; Fully Durable With Low Soluble Salts. This Is A Moderate Strength Facing Brick With High Water Absorption, Ideal For Most Masonry Applications And Easy To Lay.
A Yellow Multi Stock Facing Brick, Fully Durable With Low Soluble Salts. This Is A Moderate Strength Facing Brick With High Water Absorption, Ideal For Most Masonry Applications And Easy To Lay.
Yellow Multi Stock is a characterful yellow handmade brick featuring red and pink tones, and often known as a ‘London Multi Stock’. This type of brick was historically a signature building material throughout London and the South East of England.
A high quality yellow handmade Facing Brick with a reclamation finish, to give the reclaimed brick effect. In a traditional imperial size, these bricks undergo an extensive ageing process to give an identical appearance to genuine reclaimed bricks handmade yellow stock Facing Brick, but offer a high quality, fully frost resistant alternative. Ideal for matching existing Facing Brickwork for renovation or extension, as well as new build.