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April Gardening Jobs


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Gardening jobs for April

April is a vibrant month in the garden as spring fully sets in. There are numerous tasks to keep you busy, ensuring your garden thrives as the growing season gets underway. Here are the essential gardening jobs for April:


Plant out sweet peas

Task: Plant out sweet pea seedlings sown in January.

Why: Sweet peas benefit from early planting to establish strong roots and produce abundant blooms.

How: Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Plant seedlings about 15cm apart and provide support such as trellis or canes.


Mow, feed, and re-seed the lawn

Task: Mow your lawn, feed it, and re-seed thinning or patchy areas.

Why: Regular mowing, feeding, and re-seeding ensure a lush, healthy lawn.

How: Mow on a high blade setting initially. Apply a spring lawn fertiliser and reseed bare patches. Use a strimmer to tidy the edges for a neat appearance.


Spring clean borders

Task: Weed and tidy your borders.

Why: Keeping borders weed-free and tidy promotes healthy plant growth and an attractive garden.

How: Remove weeds by hand or with a hoe. Add a layer of mulch to suppress future weed growth and retain soil moisture.


Plant out strawberries

Task: Plant out strawberries with plenty of fertiliser.

Why: Proper planting and feeding ensure strong growth and a good fruit yield.

How: Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Mix in a balanced fertiliser and plant strawberries about 30cm apart. Water well after planting.


Watch for bulb shoots

Task: Monitor bulbs planted last winter for shoots.

Why: Spring bulbs should start to emerge, signalling the start of their growing season.

How: Check for new growth and ensure the area is weed-free. Add a light layer of mulch if needed to protect emerging shoots.


Plant summer-flowering bulbs and tubers

Task: Plant summer-flowering bulbs and tubers.

Why: Planting now ensures they have enough time to establish and bloom in summer.

How: Choose a sunny location and plant bulbs like lilies, gladioli, and dahlias according to the depth and spacing instructions on the package.


Finish Planting onions and early potatoes

Task: Finish planting onion sets and early potatoes.

Why: Completing planting this month ensures they have enough growing time for a good harvest.

How: Plant onion sets about 10-15cm apart in rows 30cm apart. Plant early potatoes in trenches or individual holes, 30cm apart in rows 60cm apart.


Monitor and control aphids

Task: Watch for aphids and treat as necessary.

Why: Aphids can damage plants by sucking sap and spreading diseases.

How: Inspect plants regularly, especially the undersides of leaves. Use organic insecticidal soap or introduce beneficial insects like ladybirds to control aphids.


Prune frost-damaged plants

Task: Prune or trim back frost-damaged plants and evergreens.

Why: Removing damaged growth promotes healthy new growth and maintains plant shape.

How: Use sharp, clean secateurs to cut back damaged branches. Avoid heavy pruning of evergreens until late spring.


Thin and transplant seedlings

Task: Thin out and transplant seedlings in the greenhouse or potting shed.

Why: Thinning prevents overcrowding, and transplanting ensures strong, healthy plants.

How: Thin seedlings by removing the weakest ones. Transplant remaining seedlings into larger pots or trays, ensuring they have enough space to grow.


Sow hardy herbs

Task: Sow hardy herbs such as parsley, marjoram, coriander, and dill.

Why: These herbs can be sown directly outdoors in April for a bountiful harvest.

How: Choose a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Sow seeds thinly and cover lightly with soil. Keep the soil moist until seeds germinate.



Additional April gardening tasks


Start feeding roses

Task: Begin feeding roses with a balanced fertiliser.

Why: Regular feeding promotes healthy growth and abundant blooms.

How: Apply a rose-specific fertiliser according to the package instructions. Water thoroughly after feeding.


Prepare hanging baskets

Task: Prepare and plant hanging baskets.

Why: Planting hanging baskets now ensures they will be full and blooming by summer.

How: Use a good quality potting mix and plant trailing and upright plants. Water regularly and feed with a liquid fertiliser.


Clean and organise the greenhouse

Task: Clean and organise your greenhouse or potting shed.

Why: A clean, organised greenhouse promotes healthy plant growth and efficient use of space.

How: Remove any debris, wash windows to maximise light, and organise plants and garden tools.

Now you’re all organised and set for a successful growing season in your garden. Happy gardening!