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May Gardening Jobs


Reading time: 5 minutes


Gardening jobs for May

May is a bustling month in the garden as the weather warms up and plants start to thrive. There are plenty of tasks to keep you busy, ensuring your garden looks its best and is well-prepared for summer. Here are the essential gardening jobs for May:


Ventilate your greenhouse

Task: Keep your greenhouse or potting shed ventilated during the day and close it in the evening.

Why: Proper ventilation prevents overheating and promotes healthy plant growth, while closing it at night retains warmth.

How: Open windows and vents during the day to allow fresh air in. Close them in the evening to maintain warmth and protect plants from cooler temperatures.


Water plants regularly

Task: Keep your plants well-watered as we head into dryer spells.

Why: Consistent watering ensures plants remain healthy and prevents drought stress.

How: Water early in the morning or late in the evening to reduce evaporation. Use a soaker hose or drip irrigation system for efficient watering.


Prepare decking for summer

Task: Hose down the decking and get it ready for use.

Why: Cleaning your decking makes it safe and attractive for summer activities.

How: Use a hose or pressure washer to remove dirt and algae. Consider applying a deck cleaner and decking sealer for added protection.


Plant summer bedding plants

Task: Plant summer bedding plants.

Why: Bedding plants add vibrant colour and fill gaps in borders and planters.

How: Choose healthy, well-rooted plants and plant them in well-drained soil. Water thoroughly after planting.


Perform the Chelsea chop

Task: Chelsea chop late-flowering perennials in late May.

Why: The Chelsea chop delays flowering, resulting in blooms at different times and a prolonged display.

How: Cut back about one-third of the stems on plants like asters, sedums, and phlox. Use sharp secateurs for clean cuts.


Regular weeding

Task: Hoe the ground regularly to keep on top of weed growth.

Why: Regular weeding prevents weeds from competing with your plants for nutrients and water.

How: Use a hoe to cut weeds at the soil surface. Do this on dry days to prevent weed regrowth.


Sow gourds

Task: Sow gourds like cucumber, squash, pumpkins, and courgettes.

Why: Sowing now ensures a long growing season and a good harvest.

How: Sow seeds in pots or directly in the ground in a sunny, well-drained location. Keep the soil moist until seeds germinate.


Harvest early crops

Task: Harvest early crops such as lettuce, radish, winter onions, early broad beans, and asparagus.

Why: Harvesting early crops frees up space for new plantings and ensures you enjoy fresh produce.

How: Use a sharp knife or scissors to harvest leafy greens. Pull up radishes and onions when they reach the desired size.


Support herbaceous perennials

Task: Support herbaceous perennials with stakes, canes, and twine.

Why: Staking prevents tall plants from flopping over and getting damaged.

How: Insert stakes or canes next to plants and tie them with twine. Do this early in the season before plants become too large.


Plant tomatoes

Task: Plant tomatoes in late May.

Why: Planting tomatoes now gives them enough time to establish and produce a good crop.

How: Plant tomatoes in a sunny spot with well-drained soil. Space them about 45-60cm apart and provide support such as stakes or cages.


Prune early-flowering clematis

Task: Prune early-flowering clematis and deadhead tulips.

Why: Pruning clematis encourages new growth and more flowers. Deadheading tulips prevents seed formation and directs energy to the bulb.

How: Prune clematis immediately after flowering, cutting back to a pair of healthy buds. Snip off spent tulip flowers but leave the foliage to die back naturally.



Additional May gardening tasks


Fertilise containers and hanging baskets

Task: Feed containers and hanging baskets with a balanced liquid fertiliser.

Why: Regular feeding supports healthy growth and abundant flowers.

How: Apply fertiliser every two weeks, following the manufacturer's instructions. Water thoroughly before and after feeding.


Plant Dahlias

Task: Plant dahlia tubers.

Why: Planting dahlias in May ensures they bloom throughout the summer.

How: Plant tubers about 10-15cm deep in well-drained soil. Space them about 60cm apart and water well after planting.


Mulch beds and borders

Task: Apply mulch to beds and borders.

Why: Mulching helps retain moisture, suppress weeds, and improve soil structure.

How: Spread a 5-8cm layer of organic mulch around plants, keeping it away from stems and trunks.


Check for pests and diseases

Task: Regularly inspect plants for pests and diseases.

Why: Early detection and treatment prevent serious infestations and damage.

How: Look for signs of pests such as aphids, slugs, and snails. Treat with organic methods or appropriate pesticides.

We hope these tips help keep your garden thriving and well-prepared for the summer months. Happy gardening!